Spectral Greedy Coresets for Graph Neural Networks


The ubiquity of large-scale graphs in node-classification tasks significantly hinders the real-world applications of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). Node sampling, graph coarsening, and dataset condensation are effective strategies for enhancing data efficiency. However, owing to the interdependence of graph nodes, coreset selection, which selects subsets of the data examples, has not been successfully applied to speed up GNN training on large graphs, warranting special treatment. This paper studies graph coresets for GNNs and avoids the interdependence issue by selecting ego-graphs (i.e., neighborhood subgraphs around a node) based on their spectral embeddings. We decompose the coreset selection problem for GNNs into two phases: a coarse selection of widely spread ego graphs and a refined selection to diversify their topologies. We design a greedy algorithm that approximately optimizes both objectives. Our spectral greedy graph coreset (SGGC) scales to graphs with millions of nodes, obviates the need for model pre-training, and applies to low-homophily graphs. Extensive experiments on ten datasets demonstrate that SGGC outperforms other coreset methods by a wide margin, generalizes well across GNN architectures, and is much faster than graph condensation.




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